Articles on: FAQs

How Do I Update Profile Details?

You can update your profile details only if you have not yet submitted your profile for verification or if it is still under review. Once your profile is verified, you will no longer be able to edit your profile details.

To update your details if you have not yet submitted your profile for verification:

Step 1

Go to the patient portal by clicking the four boxes icon on the upper right corner of the screen beside the profile icon.

Step 2

Choose a profile which has not yet been submitted for verification.

NOTE: If you have not added additional profiles under your SeeYouDoc account, you will only be able to select your own profile.

Step 3

Go to "Settings".

Step 4

Click "Edit".

Step 5

You can choose which details to update from the edit information modal.

Step 6

Once you have finalized your changes, click "Save".

Your profile details are now updated.

To update your details if your profile has been submitted for verification but is still under review:

Step 1

Go to the patient portal by clicking the four boxes icon on the upper right corner of the screen beside the profile icon.

Step 2

Choose a profile which has not yet been submitted for verification.

Step 3

Go to "Settings".

Step 4

Click "Need to edit your details?"

Step 5

You can choose which details to update from the profile information page.

Step 6

Once you have finalized your changes, click "Submit for verification".

Your profile details are now updated.

Updated on: 07/22/2024

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