How can I use the triage system?
About Triage
The triage process introduced in SeeYouDoc V4 is a systematic and efficient approach designed to prioritize and streamline patient care. Providers can now use the triage system to evaluate the urgency and severity of their medical concerns as well as determine the proper clinic the patient should be referred to.
The triage system can only be accessed if the facility has enabled it as part of their appointment request process.
Step 1
When searching for facilities, you may encounter a Triage button instead of Request Appointment. Triage lets the facility decide service and doctor for you based on your assessed condition.

Step 2
Click on the Triage button, and fill-in the Triage form completely.

You may need to verify your profile before you can proceed, refer to How can I verify my SeeYouDoc profile?
Step 3
Wait for the network, facility, or clinic to review, accept your triage and create an appointment for you. You may chat with the network, facility, or clinic user for any queries as you wait for their action.

Updated on: 03/11/2024
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