How To Create Prescriptions as a Practitioner (MD)?
Step 1
While on the Encounter page, you may click the "Clinical" tab to create a prescription.
You may create a prescription while the encounter is ongoing or once it's completed.

Step 2
Then, click "Medication".

Step 3
Click "Add" button.

Step 4
Set the "Issued Date" You may set the "Expiry Date", and add a Note to the patient.
Then, click "Save".

Step 5
By default, the status of the precipitation is set to "draft" and will not be visible to the patient yet since there's still no medicine added to the prescription.
You can add medicines by clicking the "Add" button.

Using the search bar, you can find medicines included in the Philippine National Formulary 8th Edition.

After selecting the medicine, you may opt to add the brand of the medicine.

Step 6
Add "Instructions, Dosage, and Quantity".

Click "Save" to finish.
The medicine information will be displayed after saving.

Step 7
Once you have entered all the necessary details for the prescription, click the "Finalize" button.

Step 8
Review all details. Once everything is okay, tick the "Send to patient" checkbox, and the "Save" button.

Step 9
Click the "Save" button.

Updated on: 05/08/2024
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