How do I enable triage in my network?

About Triage

The triage process introduced in SeeYouDoc V4 is a systematic and efficient approach designed to prioritize and streamline patient care.

Providers can now use the triage system to evaluate the urgency and severity of their medical concerns as well as determine the proper facility and clinic the patient should be referred to.

Note: The triage system can only be accessed by the patient if the network has enabled it as part of their appointment request process.

Step 1

Once you have access to the SeeYouDoc Network (MN) Portal.

Go to the clinic portal by clicking the four boxes icon on the upper right corner of the screen beside the profile icon.

Then, click "Network Portal".

Step 2

Choose and click which network under your account that needs triage.

Step 3

While in the MN portal, scroll down the sidebar menu. Under the "Settings" section of the MN Portal, click "Page".

Step 4

Click "Edit".

Step 5

Tick the "Triage" checkbox.

Step 6

Click "Save".

Step 7

Upon clicking save, you will see "Success! You have successfully updated [network name]".

Updated on: 08/15/2024

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